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What is Pot Magnets

Pulished on Apr. 03, 2019

Pot magnet or mount magnet provides up to thirty times the strength of individual magnets, making them useful in many industrial applications in the construction, engineering, automotive, electronic and agricultural industries, etc.


Usually, Pot Magnets are used for mounting, lifting, holding and transferring objects in various work environment.

When selecting Pot Magnet, consider the environment in which PotMagnet will be used, like temperature. What is the holding force neededbased on the size and weight of the parts involved and how will the Pot Magnet be secured, whether bolted, mounted, fastened or adhered? Also, consider the shape and size of the magnet, including diameter, length,width and height. Knowing what variation in dimensions is allowed(tolerances) is important. Price and quantity are also considerations.